Destiny’s Kiss looking for new home

Popular veteran stayer Destiny’s Kiss has been retired aged 11 after an unplaced Rosehill run.

Trainer Joe Pride and owner Nick Moraitis will field offers to re-home Destiny’s Kiss after retiring the popular veteran stayer.

The 11-year-old beat two runners home at Rosehill in Saturday’s Group Three Colin Stephen Quality and Pride and Moraitis immediately called time on his racing career which lasted 102 starts with the gelding earning more than $1.5 million.

Pride said Destiny’s Kiss had shown his heart was no longer in racing.

“He has shown me in his last few starts he has had enough,” Pride said.

“Physically he’s more than capable of continuing on but I just feel like he’s probably given the game away.

“I would hate to seem him hurt himself on a racetrack. He retires 100 per cent sound.

“I’m super proud of him.”

Pride said there had already been people interested in giving Destiny’s Kiss a new home and he hoped to find one where he had a working routine.

“We’ve got to fin him a really good home where he gets stimulation,” he said.

“He is a horse who loves the stable life.”

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